Monday, May 25, 2009

4 months | Mornington Peninsula baby photography

For a moment I can't believe it's been 4 months already. And then I remember back to the days in Special care. Feeling like we were taking a step forward, only to come crashing back down with a huge step backwards. Not being able to hold her, to smell her, to feel her breath on my neck. Wondering if she even knew I was her mumma, when her nurses touched her so much more than I could. And then off to Royal Childrens for cardiac care, and the trips in there every day. The hours spent in traffic or on the train every morning, and again every night. Carting an esky bag full of frozen breast milk into the city with me every day. Feeling like making milk for her was the only thing I could do for her. Setting my alarm every 3hours to wake up and express. Trying new medications and new doses and waiting and waiting to see how she reacted with each one. Being told we could bring her home. Being scared out of my mind at the responsiblily of caring for a baby with a cardiac condition. Waking up while she was still asleep, just to listen to her heart. Not being able to hear her heart beating, over the beating of my own tumping through my head.
Yeah, it feels like 4 years actually. But the longer she's home, and without any problems, the more confident we become. She's such a little blessing and such an adored addition to our family.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Friday, May 15, 2009

Addison and co... | Melbourne family photography

I loved heading out to this beautiful families home to do their session. I love the intimacy that being in their own special 'place' adds to their photos. I'll be adding a gallery of Lifestyle photography to the website very soon, and really looking forward to taking my photography in this direction. It's my favourite style at the moment :)
I just loved spending the afternoon with you guys. Thankyou for having me :)

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Addison | Melbourne newborn photography

I know Jody has been busting too see a sneak peek of these, so here you go Jody. Sweet little Addison was born the day before Amelia was due. She's the sweetest little thing with the most amazing blue eyes... you'll see those tomorrow ;)
I say it all the time, but have to say it again... I love my job. I meet the nicest people and just love creating art from their families.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

My poppet | Mornington baby photography

Amelia was about 2.5 weeks old before we even noticed the birthmark on her shoulder! That sounds terrible doesn't it, really we do take notice of our daughter. It's just that with her prem and heart issues she was in special care and cardiac care and couldn't be handled or bathed much for the first few weeks of her life. I noticed it first and thought it was just a red mark from the wires and lines she had in, but when we had a closer look we realised that it was her very own special mark :) The funny thing was for that type of birthmark medication is sometimes prescribed for them. Just so happens that that medication is the same one that she is on for her heart condition.

We are off to Royal Childrens again tomorrow for her checkup and she'll be fitted with a Holter monitor again. If you are trying to contact me, please just email me and I'll get back to you as soon as possible ~ Thanks :)

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Ryda | Mornington newborn photography

Sweet little Ryda came to visit me in the studio last week. Such a content little darling and just two weeks old. Makes my Miss Amelia look like a boofer :)

Saturday, May 02, 2009

Feeling spotty...

I have a 'thing' for polka dots. Love them.
Amelia is developing the cheekiest little smile, and she looks even more like Ethan with it. I love it.